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Southrepps Village Hall


Saturday 27th July 2024

Home Grown Vegetables


  1. Plate of 4 Tomatoes. Any size. One variety

  2. 1 Cucumber. Any variety.

  3. Plate of 3 Potatoes. One variety

  4. Longest Runner Bean

  5. 6 Dwarf/French Beans

  6. 1 Lettuce. Any variety

  7. 3 Courgettes. One variety

  8. 5 pods of Peas.  One variety - any type inc. mange tout or Sugarsnap.

  9. 2 Beetroot - tops trimmed to 3"/8cm.

  10. Any other vegetable.

  11. Any other Root Vegetable (not potato).

  12. A vase of 4 Culinary Herbs (1 stem of each).

  13. 3 stalks of Rhubarb (trim leaves to 3".8cm).

  14. A plate of Soft Fruit.  Any variety.  (either 6 strawberries, 6 raspberries,
    6 gooseberries, 3 bunches of black, white or redcurrants).


  15. 1 jar of Soft Fruit Jam or Marmalade - any size

  16. 1 jar of Chutney

  17. 1 jar of Pickles


  18. 1 Specimen Rose

  19. 5 sprigs of Lavender

  20. 5 stems of Sweet peas

  21. Any Flower. 3 stems. 1 variety

  22. 1 Hydrangea stem with flower

  23. Flowering Shrub. 1 stem/branch

  24. Vase of Mixed Perennials (at least 4 varieties)

  25. Vase of 3 Pink Flowers. 3 varieties (not rose or shrub)

  26. Vase of Foliage. At least 4 varieties of each



  1. All entries in classes 1 - 14 and 18 - 26 must have been grown by the exhibitor.

  2. Entry forms and fees of 20p per entry must be brought to the Village Hall on the day between 8.30am and 10.30am.

  3. All exhibits must be staged between 8.30am and 10.30am on Saturday 27th July 2024.  1 entry per class per exhibitor.   

  4. Judging will take place between 10.30am and 12.00noon.  The Judge’s decision is final

  5. Prize money1st - £1.50 | 2nd - £1.00 | 3rd  50p

    Prize money can be collected after 3.00pm on presentation of prize cards.

    Points will also be awarded: 3 for 1st; 2 for 2nd; 1 for 3rd.

    A Cup will be awarded to the person scoring the most points overall.

    A Vegetable Shield will be awarded to the entrant scoring most points in the Vegetable Section.

  6. Entries cannot be removed before 3.30pm.


For all enquiries please phone 

01263 834242 

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