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Southrepps Village Fair


The Summer Fair is coming back to the village. We will be merging with the Horticultural Show and Church Open Day to create a true village fair.

We are excited about this event but we NEED YOUR HELP. As you can imagine, there is a lot that goes into planning an event like this so we are seeking volunteers for a wide range of roles. Whether you are prepared to be an Event Champion in charge of organising one of the events or simply helping out on the day. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

To get the ball rolling there will be two “Brain Storming” meetings where we invite you to give us your ideas and support. You may have helped out at the previous fairs or are new to it, it doesn’t matter all ideas are gratefully received.

Meeting Days at VILLAGE HALL

THU 21ST Feb - 7pm & Sat 23rd Feb at 11am

This is an example of the fair categories



  3. MUSIC



  6. GAMES


  8. OTHER

If you have any questions or need information please contact Shelley on 07920 583773 or


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