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Storm Compensation


We hope you only had minimal damage during the storm over the last few days. I received an email about compensation if anyone was without power for over 48. Please read below a copy of the email and links to the relevant forms. I have checked the links to make sure they are correct.


Dear Customer

UK Power Networks are the distribution network operator for your area and as such are responsible for the maintenance of the electricity cables providing power to your home. I am writing to apologise for the power cut that affected you during the recent storms.

As winds of up to 65mph swept across the East of England last weekend, our teams worked tirelessly to find damaged equipment, remove fallen trees from power lines and complete repairs as quickly and safely as possible. We arranged significant additional resources in all roles to assist with the restoration of electricity supplies and the updating of customers through proactive calls, text messaging and social media.

Whilst our works continued some customers were without power for longer than we would have liked and I fully apologise for this. Like all distribution network operators, UK Power Networks make electricity guaranteed standard payments (EGS) after events such as this, which are set by our regulator Ofgem.

This storm has been classified as a category two event which means those customers who were without power for 48 hours are entitled to a payment of £70. However, we understand the inconvenience caused, therefore, UK Power Networks are offering customers who were without power for over 24 hours, the equivalent EGS payment of £70 and those who were without power for 48 hours £140. If you are one of those customers please complete this online form and our Care team will investigate and contact you shortly after.

Copy the link below into your browsers address bar if the hyperlink above does not work.

This storm has been classified as a category two event which means those customers who were without power for 48 hours are entitled to a payment of £70. However, we understand the inconvenience caused, therefore, UK Power Networks are offering customers who were without power for over 24 hours, the equivalent EGS payment of £70 and those who were without power for 48 hours £140. If you are one of those customers please complete this online form and our Care team will investigate and contact you shortly after.

Please accept my apologies again and thank you for your patience during this time. I would like to assure you that we are committed to providing you with a safe and reliable supply of electricity, and, if you have any further queries regarding this or any other network related matter do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely

Alex Williams

Head of Customer Contact Centre

Tel: 0800 316 3105 (open 24 hours)


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