Email from Paul and Debbie sent Monday 23 May
We hope everyone had a great night last night, and we thank you all so very much for a great send-off. We do now feel like 'frauds' as we were greeted at 7.30am today with an email from our buyers pulling out of the sale completely 'due to a lack of trust' which we are slightly flummoxed by, as we have been working very hard to ensure a smooth transition. Regardless, it is what it is, and we must carry on, but we feel an enormous apology is owed to you all. We are very sorry to have unintentionally 'led you up the garden path' - it looks like you're stuck with us for a while longer! In the meantime, we feel incredibly positive moving forwards, and are certainly humbled by the support from all of you and our staff. It is still our intention to sell the pub, but we intend to continue running the Vernon Arms to the best of our ability until that time comes. Best wishes, Paul and Debbie