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Recycling - What you  can and can’t put in your green bin


Recycling items is becoming second nature to most of us, but did you know the full list of items that can be placed in our green recycling bins?  We thought we should pass on the information from which give you a full list of the do’s and don’ts.


These items can be recycled

  • Aerosols - previously containing beauty products, domestic insecticides, cleaning products.

  • Card-based - egg boxes

  • Cardboard  including fibre packing and carrier trays

  • Cartons - (waxed) - drinks, juices, soup, fabric conditioner

  • Envelopes -  including window type

  • Food packaging - card

  • Greetings cards

  • Junk mail

  • Magazines & Newspapers

  • Paper - white or coloured

  • Paper - bags

  • Telephone directories

  • Wrapping papers


These items can be recycled but you just need to give them a quick wash our before you place them in your Green Bin

  • Bottles (plastic) - food and drink (including lids if kept on bottles)

  • Bottles (plastic) - cooking and food oils 

  • Bottles (plastic) - personal care products

  • Bottles (plastic)- trigger spray, pump spray or roller ball

  • Cans - steel food and drinks

  • Cans -aluminium food and drinks

  • Cans and trays - pet food

  • Foil (aluminium) - kitchen foil and foil food trays

  • Food packaging - composite card with plastic window

  • Jars (glass) - including tops if kept on jars

  • Pots (plastic) - yoghurt, nuts, sauces

  • Trays (plastic) - meat, fruit and vegetable

  • Tubs (plastic) - margarine, spreads, ice cream


Glass Bottles

We have listed this separately, as you are able to place glass bottles into your Green Bin, but we have bottle recycling collection points in the village and they are a fantastic source of income for Southrepps Village, so please keep using the glass collection points which can be found at the Village Hall and opposite the school.


The following items can't be put in your kerbside recycling bin:

  • Bubble wrap

  • CDs

  • Composite foil and laminate pouches such as those used for pet food

  • Corrugated plastic sheeting

  • Drinking glasses

  • DVDs

  • Food contact papers - like fish and chip wrappings and take away pizza boxes

  • Food Waste* (if you have a food waste collection service, please use this instead. Contact your local council for more information.)

  • Garden Waste* (if you subscribe to a green garden waste collection service, please use this instead) 

  • Metal or plastic paint tins

  • Plastic bottles for anti-freeze, brake and clutch fluid

  • Plastic containers for domestic and commercial motor oil

  • Plastic paint pots

  • Polystyrene cups

  • Polystyrene packaging

  • Pyrex containers

  • Toys

  • Video tapes

  • Washing up bowls, cutlery and drainer trays

  • Window glass


For more information on recycling and any waste issue visit the following website

North Norfolk Council - Bins

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